Ignite your messaging. Effortless integration with your business platforms

YakChat platform integrations: YakChat merges seamlessly with your existing platforms and business systems, for easier, more efficient communication

Illustration of YakChat being used in different apps
Screenshot of YakChat being used in the browser
App Icon for Browser


Use YakChat in the browser

No app needed, login from anywhere

Discover the power of YakChat platform integrations through our Browser Extension for Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. Escape the limits of traditional messaging by texting instantly from any website and initiating chats with a single click on any phone number you see as you browse.

Microsoft Teams app icon

Microsoft Teams

Use YakChat in Microsoft Teams

Give Microsoft Teams SMS superpowers

YakChat’s SMS/MMS integration with Microsoft Teams offers you not just quicker, simpler messaging but also limitless communication potential.

Effortlessly text your contacts in Outlook, Active Directory, SharePoint, and custom lists, all from one unified platform. Boost collaboration with group chats, using both personal and shared numbers, and enrich your chats with image sharing.

Packed with unrivalled features, YakChat offers real-time translation, message archiving, mobile capability, and more, transforming Microsoft Teams into your ultimate messaging hub.

Screenshot of Microsoft Teams being used in the browser
Screenshot of YakChat being used on mobile
App icon for iOS/Android

iOS and Android

Use YakChat on the move

Text365: The ultimate mobile SMS app alternative

Text365 is a powerful alternative to your default iOS or Android messaging app. It not only lets you send and receive texts on the go, but also securely saves every message for easy record-keeping and compliance.

Designed to feel just like your usual SMS app, Text365 comes with added benefits: separate notifications to prevent overwhelm, access to the contacts in your phone, Outlook, Sharepoint, and in your company directories, and support for both shared and personal inboxes to enhance collaboration and privacy.

Webex app icon

Cisco Webex

Use YakChat in Webex

No app needed; login from anywhere

YakChat extends Webex direct messaging with advanced SMS/MMS capabilities, unleashing untapped communication potential with its cutting-edge solution.

Text all your contacts seamlessly from a single, unified platform. Boost collaboration with group chats, using both personal and shared numbers, and enrich your chats with effortless image sharing.

Packed with unrivalled features, YakChat offers real-time translation, message archiving, mobile capability, and more, transforming Webex into your ultimate messaging hub.

Screenshot of YakChat being used in Webex

Partner with YakChat and create your white-label app today

Product image of YakChat admin portal dashboard with partner companies

Become a YakChat partner

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