Craft the Perfect SMS Text and Inspire Action: 6 Tips & Tricks

SMS text is powerful—so long as you craft your messages right. Read on for six tips on how to craft the perfect SMS text that compels action from your audience.

6 tips and tricks to craft the perfect SMS text

I continue to be amazed at the staggeringly positive statistics that surround SMS text. You know the ones I mean:

  • 90% of texts are read within 3 minutes

  • 98% read rate

  • 90% of mobile phone users globally say they want to talk to businesses using text.

And so they keep going!

I think we can all agree that text messaging is genuinely one of the best ways to connect with customers and market in real-time.

But what if your text campaigns aren’t getting the interaction you anticipated?

And you just can't figure out why?

The answer could be to do with the way you craft your messages.

But the good news is that there are some simple tips and tricks below that you can put into action to get your messages noticed.

Whether you're creating a reminder or marketing message or sending information or alerts, try including these ideas in your texts. Then hit the send button. Soon you'll be connecting with your audience more successfully and seriously boosting your response rates.

1. Identify yourself clearly from the start

State who you are upfront.

This will immediately help recipients understand the context of your message and make them much more likely to engage with its content.

2. Keep it short - keep it simple - keep it clear!

People don't tend to like long messages, so brevity is everything.

Don't get lost in the detail. Get to the point quickly, right after identifying yourself, and use simple, concise language.

This is not the time for overused, fluffy buzzwords. Instead, say what you mean and say it clearly.

Don't make your customers hunt for answers or leave them asking questions. If you do, they may get frustrated or, worse, report you as spam.

3. Target the right people at the right time

Studies show that mobile phones are used most between noon and 6 pm, Monday thru Friday. So send your texts during mid- to late-afternoon on a weekday to boost your interactions.

But remember, not all customers are created equal. The key is to really know and understand your audience. Sending texts to night workers in the afternoon when they're trying to sleep, for example, will not endear you to them.

4.  Add value and speak their language

Whatever your message, make it relevant. Add value to the consumer's experience with your brand.

Helpful information, alongside discounts, promotions, and sneak-peeks, will always be crowd-pleasers. But always be sure to speak your audience's language.

5.  Include a call-to-action

What should your recipients do after reading your text?

Do they need to contact you? If so, tell them how. What should they do with the information you've provided? Let them know. Are you offering an awesome deal? Make sure you provide a link or clear instructions on how to take advantage of your offer.

6.  Make opt-out options clear

Always make the process of opting out of future messages clear and simple. One of the clearest ways is to simply add the following to the foot of your messages:

Text STOP to cancel

When people know that they can opt-out easily, they'll tend to view you and your messages as trustworthy and feel more inclined to opt-in from the start.

Do you have any favorite tips for crafting the perfect SMS text? I'd love to hear them!